What is hope

Essay Writing Competition 2021
Category: 12 - 15 years
- Runner-up -

Runner-up in the essay competition 2021 is "What's hope and what is my hope" written by Yee Shuen Yap

What is hope and what is my hope?

What's Hope for? Hope can be for a lot of things. For example: Hope can be a name, a blessing, a miracle, or it can just be a word. But you see, what really matters about "Hope" is the MEANING of it, not what it's for or how it sounds.

What does it mean? It means strength, strength in motivation, motivation to keep you going till the end of time. Do I have hope? I do. Everybody has hope for at least something.

How do I know if what I'm feeling is hope? Whenever you feel hope, your heart gets as light as a feather, your mind becomes more colourful than a rainbow and you feel that your life has become brighter than the sun.

Where and how do you find hope? Well, hope can be found anywhere! Be it the top of your favourite hill, the seaside, or just your regular good old bedroom! As long as you find a place that makes you feel light and happy. Hope can also be found in books. You can read inspirational stories or inspirational quotes to find your hope.

What's my hope? I have lots of hope, too many to write in an essay, so I'll just name a few. I hope that, my family and I's future will be joyous and peaceful and unbothered. For that to happen, they need to be in good hands and I hope that those hands can be my little sister's or mine. I hope that, I can build my dream life in future.

My dream life would be to walking in the park back to my dream house, looking at children laugh and play, and look at flowers so colourful and aplenty that would it make a fairy squeal with joy.

I hope that, my world, would get better and the government would finally listen to us and change the world to one that benefits all instead of one that only benefits them, I also hope that people would accept changes of our evolving world for example: LGBTQ+, vitiligo and black people. Who knows one day it might become the most popular trends.

There are my hopes, if only they would come true, but we can only hope for it.

Now that I've answered your questions, it's my turn to ask, so, What's YOUR hope? Can't find an answer?

Well, go look for one! Find your hope! You need it, good luck, I'm rooting for you!

In the Age category 12 - 15 years, Yee Shuen's essay "What is hope" was chosen as a runner-up. This inspirational essay shows us what hope means for the student. The motivation to explore the topic further is a lovely turn. The hope for a more inclusive world in the future is shared by so many of us. Still you might have other hopes? Go and reflect on them.

Well done, Yee Shuen! Thank you for your insights and ideas! Let us all keep up hope and let's work together to make this world a peaceful and happy place for all of us! Congratulations!

Yee Shuen is a student at Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (China) Sentul in Kuala Lumpur/ Malaysia. Home language is Chinese, English as second language.

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