Back again

Essay Writing Competition 2021
Category: 12 - 15 years
- Runner-up -

Runner-up in the essay contest 2021 is "Back again" written by Nofissa Chtaina

back again

When everyone thought I was finished. I broke and promised defeated

I gathered my strength and won again

It wasn't an easy battle

I didn't bleed a little, but I'm not weak.

I fought my biggest fear, which is life. I have returned again, so do not allow anyone to take what is yours, my possessions, your future and your passion for you.

As long as there is a lesson that will be taught to me at the end of the war, welcome the hurricanes of time and the storms of treachery and hope.

I will not kneel weakly to fates again, my strength will not be eroded as I did before, so welcome to the modern I with my strong and steady version.

I will not be defeated as long as I inhale the oxygen of hope. Life in my opinion is a bus, and we are nothing but travelers

but we differ in the arrival station,

they always say: From the womb of suffering, hope is born, perhaps because the birth of hope is not achieved through a concrete idea, but rather is talent

as قال محمد درويش انه منارة تخلقها لتنيرة شمعة الامل لنفسك في عتمة اليأس فما دمن أحياء لا نستطيع العيش بدون أمل ...الأمل والحياة وجهتين لعملة واحدة

[Translation from the Arabic: 

as Muhammad Darwish said that he is a beacon that you create to illuminate the candle of hope for yourself in the darkness of despair. As long as we are alive, we cannot live without hope.

Hope and life are two sides of the same coin.]

In the Age category 12 - 15 years, Nofissa's creative essay "Back again" was chosen as one of the runners-up. This essay tells us about the reflections of a student. 

This creative essay excels as Nofissa shares sincere feelings in a language that is not her own. We wondered and we were surprised by the strong language. Now we really want to read and know more. Choosing the form of a poem for these reflections is unique and has been well received by our jury.

Well done, Nofissa! Thank you very much for your efforts to share with us what hope means for you. Keep up writing - we are certain we will hear more from you! Congratulations!

Nofissa is a student at Specialized Institute of Applied Technology Sefrou in Morocco. Home language is Arabic, English is an additional language.

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