Malta My Homecountry

Commended Entry: "Malta My Homecountry" by Matthew Borg from Malta

This article was submitted in the Kids World Travel Guide Essay Competition 2020 in the Junior Category 8-11 years.

Valetta in Malta Cityscape with turquoise seaValetta/Malta

Malta My Homecountry

Eight years ago I was born in a sunny island called Malta. This is also the birth place of my parents and older sister. It is a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean with a population of half a million people.

Malta goes back to 5200 years BC when the Maltese were farmers. Since then we had lots of different rulers, till we got our Independence in 1964. When visiting Malta, you will never have a dull moment as there are many different places that you can see. You have to start with the capital city, Valletta. Valletta was built in the 1500’s and it is full of churches, palaces, museums, restaurants and shops. There is something to everyone’s likings.

If you like old cities you should visit Imdina, Rabat or Citadella in our sister island Gozo. Our island is also full of pre historic temples which are one of the oldest in the world. I would recommend the Hypogeum.

If you are more of a nature lover, then you should visit one of our lovely beaches. There are both sandy and rocky beaches. My favourite sandy beach Ghadira. It is huge! My favourite rocky beach is Delimara. I would suggest that you take a boat to Saint Peter’s Pool or the Blue Lagoon where the waters are crystal clear. In Malta we celebrate on many different occasions.

My favourite is Christmas time. This period is very special as we decorate our homes, go out and give presents to our family and friends. After comes Carnival, a happy time where we wear costumes and go to the capital to see Carnival floats. As Carnival finishes we prepare for Easter, a time for praying and visiting churches to see statues about the passion of the Christ. If you are a foodie, Malta is the perfect place for you. From rabbit stew, to fresh fish to baked pasta, you’ll surely find something you love! You cannot come to Malta without trying 'pastizzi', puff pastry filled with ricotta or peas. They are delicious! We have lots of traditional goodies as well. During Easter we eat 'figolla'; sweet pastry filled with almonds and covered in icing. They taste excellent! However my favourite are the honey rings which are only sold during Christmas time.

What would you like to try out?

I hope that children around the world will be interested in coming to Malta so that we can learn about each other’s countries. Narawkom! (This is 'see you' in the Maltese language).

Thank you for the wonderful essay "Malta My Homecountry", Matthew. Your story makes us want to travel to Malta NOW! Well done!

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  • Central Intelligence Agency. "Malta" WorldFactbook. Last updated 9 November 2020.
  • Our own Malta country page will be added soon. Keep this page bookmarked and let us know if you want to join in with your insider tips.

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